Tuesday, August 4, 2015

What People Are Saying: "Where would you go for a retreat"?

Brian: Lounge chair-must come with a beach and a cooler
Elke-No plan-see what develops that day
Marty- A hike in a nearby state park or to the woods(the one with ferns)

In his book, The Art of Stillness-Adventures In Going Nowhere, author and speaker Pico Iyer comments:
"In an age of constant movement, nothing is more urgent than sitting still. You can go on vacation to Paris or Hawaii or New Orleans three months from now, and you'll have a tremendous time, I'm sure. But if you want to come back feeling new-alive and full of fresh hope and in love with the world-I think the place to visit may be Nowhere".

* Pico Iyer's 14-minute TED talk, available for free at www.ted.com is the companion to The Art of Stillness.
Related Talks On TED.com
Pico Iyer: Where Is Home?

Carl Honore: In praise of slowness

Matthieu Ricard: The Habits of Happiness

Louie Schwartzberg: Nature. Beauty. Gratitude. (words by Brother David Steindl-Rast)

If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't
look any further than my backyard. Because if it
isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with.
           __Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz

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