Monday, August 10, 2015

My Retreat Day

Peacock-colored pencils, markers
Teacher: Paivi Erola, Finland
Thinking about what I want to do on my retreat day has been fun. I like that part.
My husband is on retreat that day, too.
It will be all day Saturday and maybe even run into Sunday, who knows?
The picture above is my Treasure Box, where I store really special pieces of art I have created during various online classes. This piece is called Peacock and I love it.
It decorates the lid of the box as suggested by my teacher, Paivi Erola in Finland.

The treasures inside represent quite a few women that I have learned from:
Paivi Erola-Inspirational Drawing
Carla Sonheim-Year of the Fairy Tale
Tamara LaPorte-LifeBook 2014
Kate Thompson-LifeBook 2014
Joanne Sharpe-several classes
Martha Lever-Calligra-Fun
Lindsey Bugbee-The Postman's Knock
Valerie Sjodin- Embellished Edges
Mary Ann Moss-inspiration, sketchbooks on her blog

So- what I plan to do (for one thing) is this: I'll bring out this lovely box and go through the various art pieces and reflect on what I have learned and how far I have come with my work(s). I want to honor these women and their work, too.
After I've done that, I plan to write a poem for them, and send it to each one. I don't think I've ever thanked them enough. Now, I will.

"Sacred Eye"-Teacher: Tamara La Porte
This was in a book that belonged to someone else-I was in a sketchbook exchange.
"Christophe"-Teacher: Tamara LaPorte

"Sacred Eye"-Teacher: Tamara La Porte

Charcoal Girl-Teacher: Kate Thompson

These are some of the special pieces I store in the box.
I adore Christophe, the stag. It took some erasing to get those eyes right, but when I did, oh, boy! I fell in love and named him Christophe. I will paint a wife for him, one day.

When I drew the charcoal girl and journaled in her hair, I was bowled over that I could even do it.
I sat down to take the lesson and 30 minutes later, there she was! I wrote to Kate Thompson and told her about my amazement. She told me, "I have been there, many times. This is what we do".
There are lots more pieces in that box, but these above are in my heart, big-time.
Honoring these women seems fitting, to me.
I'll take time to spread the work out, light my candles, play some soft music and just think back on these experiences, doing things I never knew I could do.
Then: the poetry.As for the rest of the day, we'll see how it unfolds!!
Thanks for stopping by.

Send me a smoke signal!

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